Published on: 11/28/2015IST

Why Should You Eat Garlic On An Empty Stomach?

User Image Jyoti Negi Last updated on: 11/23/2015, Permalink

Garlic has been considered as the “Wonder Drug”. Many studies conducted on the properties of garlic show that eating it on an empty stomach makes it a powerful natural antibiotic.

According to some researchers, the allicin in garlic has a strong bacteriostatic effect which helps cure infections faster. It can also fight fungal infections, which makes it a much more valuable medicine .Garlic is believed to be served best to an empty stomach.

Why is it good to Eat Garlic on an Empty Stomach?

Natural Antibiotic

Eating a little garlic right before breakfast allows the garlic to be waiting for bacteria and toxins in your stomach. It works as a very strong antioxidant and antibiotic, making it, essentially, a natural and healthy filter for your stomach.

Effective against various medical conditions

- Garlic is known to relieve the symptoms of hypertension. Since it is effective for circulation, it also prevents heart problems.
- It is really effective in treating stomach problems –  stimulates proper digestion and good appetite. It is effective for stomach problems, like diarrhea and helps prevent overproduction of stomach acid produced under stress.
- Consuming garlic on an empty stomach could be a very good remedy for nerve problems.
- Eating garlic can also help treat tuberculosis in several ways.
- The healing properties of garlic help reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.
- It strengthens the immune system, thus increases the body’s ability to withstand the harmful influences of the environment.
- It also aids in proper functioning of the liver and bladder and reduces the synthesis of triglycerides in the liver which help prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
- Garlic lowers blood pressure and also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Efficient food for Detoxification

In alternative medicine, garlic is considered to be one of the most efficient foods when it comes to detoxification.

11/23/2015 | | Permalink